This is Kur0's YT To MP3 With Croppable Album Art™. It's basically what the title says. You give it a link, adjust the cropped album art and the tags, and then press download. Simple as that.
Well, first it uploads the video's URL, cropped album art, and tags to a server I'm running. Then the server downloads the video's Opus audio using youtube-dl and converts it to V0 VBR MP3 using ffmpeg. The album art and tags are then added to the MP3 using mutagen. Then the server sends it back to the user.
Yes, but you'll have to open another tab if the current one isn't finished downloading yet. I might change it so you can do it in one tab in the future maybe.
I know it's inefficient but the server is running on I'm using Python to code it and the Flask module allows me to run the server.
(See previous question) It's cause I'm not hosting it myself.
uh, sure. it's god awful code so be warned.
the server
(should they be separated? i have no idea how to combine them)
croppie - Lets me crop the thumbnail
jquery Multi Modal Control - These pop up windows
Bubbly Button - the buttons
Progress bar animation - the progress bar at the bottom
youtube-dl - For downloading youtube videos
ffmpeg - for converting files
mutagen - for adding tags to audio files
Color Thief - grabbing dominant colors from images